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Name Position Contact Minute of Possession Beginning of Mandate End of Mandate Curriculum

Mr. Ricardo José Soavinski Graduated in Biological and Geological Oceanography from the Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul – RS, is an effective Federal Government employee with extensive experience in public and business planning and management in the areas of natural resources, water resources, tourism and sanitation. He is currently the CEO of the Companhia de Saneamento de Goiás – Saneago and the National Vice President of the Association of State Sanitation Companies of Brazil – AESBE. Throughout his 30-year career, he has held various management and advisory positions, including the National Secretary for Water Resources and Urban Environment of the Ministry of Environment, the Secretary of State for the Environment and Water Resources of Paraná state, President of Paraná Sanitation Company – SANEPAR, President of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation – ICMBio and Director of Ecosystems at the Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources of Brazil – IBAMA.

Mr. Eurico Velasco de Azevedo Neto holds a law degree from Universidade Salago de Oliveira. He has a specialization in Civil Law and Civil Procedure, from Universidade Candido Mendes – UCAM / RJ and Sequential Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies and Regulation. He worked in matters related to Saneago’s corporate purpose, all within the scope of the Office of Environment and Sustainable Development – SEMAD.

Mr. Levi de Alvarenga Rocha has a degree in law from Faculdade Anhanguera and in Accounting Sciences from Universidade Católica de Goiás. He was a Supervisory Member of the Cooperativa de Crédito Mútuo dos Advogados de Goiás Ltda. – SICOOB CREDIJUR, as well as working as Expert in various court proceedings.

Mr. Paulo Rogério Bragatto Battiston has a degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing and Communication. In the course of his career, he served as Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer at Sanepar, from 2017 to 2018, a company in which he also held the position of General Manager, from 2011 to 2015, and Concessions Manager, from 2015 to 2017. He also served as Financial, Investor Relations and Regulation Director at Saneago, from January 2019 to January 2023. He was elected Alternate Fiscal Council member of Fundação Sanepar de Previdência Social – FUSAN, from 2008 to 2011, and Director of CS Bioenergy, in 2018.

Mrs. Maíra Batista Botelho graduated in Nursing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais and has a specialization in Obstetric Nursing from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and an MBA in Public Management from the Albert Einstein Israelita Institute of Teaching and Research. Effective public servant, with 23 years of experience in public health, she is a Health Systems Manager with experience in Health Care Networks (RAS). She has extensive experience in hospital management, formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation of SUS policies and crisis management in public health. Acting mainly on the following topics: health planning, SUS legislation, management of contracts and agreements, personnel sizing, supply management, human resources management, clinic management and care chains, health education, coordination of programs, projects and public health audits. She served as Coordinator of Policies and Programs at the Ministry of Health, Director of the Department of Specialized Care and Secretary of Specialized Care at the Ministry of Health. Member of the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Unified Health System – CONITEC and Adviser at the Hospital das Clínicas in Porto Alegre.

Mrs. Adryanna Leonor Melo de Oliveira Caiado holds a degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Goiás (1999), a postgraduate degree in Hospital Administration from Faculdade São Camilo (2000), a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP (2004). She was also Administrative and Financial Director at the General Hospital of Goiânia – HGG (1999-2004) and Coordinator of the Ethics and Research Committee at the same hospital (2003-2010), Chief of Staff at the Municipal Secretary of Goiânia – SMS (2005-2009). ), Administrative Director at IQUEGO (2009), Superintendent of Education at SETEC (2009 to 2010), Management Superintendent at the Vice-Governor of Goiás (2011-2013), guest professor at the Catholic University of Goiás (2011-2014), since 2019, holds the position of General Director of the Organization of Volunteers of Goiás-OVG.

Mr. José Antônio Tietzmann e Silva is a lawyer and consultant in environmental and urban law at Rede Gaia Consultoria, of which he is a partner. Professor and researcher at PUC Goiás, Universidade Federal de Goiás and Universidade Paulista. Professor of Specialization in Environment and Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Universidade Nacional do Litoral, in Santa Fé, Argentina. Guest Professor, Master in Environmental and Urban Law, University of Limoges, France. Member of the Scientific Board of the Publishing House of PUC Goiás and of the Scientific Committee of the Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal. Member of the Associação dos Professores de Direito Ambiental do Brasil (Association of Environmental Law Professors of Brazil). He has experience in Law, focusing on Public Law, especially Administrative, International, Environmental and Urbanistic.

Mr. Paulo Ernani Miranda Ortegal has a degree in Law from the Federal University of Goiás and in Sciences Economics by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Anápolis, as well as technical training in accounting by the Technical School “D. Marcos de Noronha ”. Throughout his more than 50 years of career, he held several positions in the public sector, among which the following stand out: head of the Public Relations Goias state; Member of the Fiscal Council of Companhia de Crédito e Investimento, Companhia Brasileira de Alimentos and Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo S / A; Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform; President and Counselor of the Court of Accounts of the Municipalities of the State of Goiás. In addition, he held the position of permanent employees of the Company, as an economist, between 1977 and 1994. In the the past 5 years, he has held the position of Chief of Staff and Municipal Secretary of Government of the Prefecture of Goiânia. 

Mr. Gilvan Cândido da Silva has a degree in Economics from UNICEUB University, Master and Doctor in Economics. During his professional career, he held public positions, is President of GOIASPREV, was Advisor to the Minister and the Federal Budget Secretariat, Coordinator and professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Administrative, Financial and Investor Relations Director at São Paulo Turismo S.A., FUNTERRA’s Superintendent Director , participated in the Fiscal Council of BRB Administradora de Seguros S.A. and Researcher and Senior Analyst at Banco do Brasil S.A.

Mr. Mário Cezar Guerino holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Goiás. He has a specialization in Environmental Management and Auditing, from the State University of Minas Gerais and in Water Resources Planning and Management, from the Federal University of Goiás. Engineer at Saneago since 1985, where he has held various management positions – from supervisor to superintendent. He participated as a member of several Councils and Committees related to the activity carried out by the company, including the position of board member, between September 2019 and March 2021.

*Other information on members of the Audit Board:
SEI Code: Saneago does not use the Electronic Information System - SEI.
Address: Avenida Fued José Sebba, nº 1.245, Setor Jardim Goiás, CEP 74805-100.

Name Position Contact Minute of Possession Beginning of Mandate End of Mandate Curriculum

Mr. Rasível do Reis Santos Júnior is a Physician specializing in Emergency Medicine; Health Executive from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV); Green Belt - Lean Si Sigma from the Vanzolini Foundation; Advanced Management Program from Amana-Key. He currently serves as Secretary of Health for the State of Goiás. In the course of his career, among other positions, he has worked as Medical Coordinator at Sirio-Libanes Hospital; Senior Physician at Sirio-Libanes Hospital, working on the Lean in Emergencies Project. Sao Paulo V SP; Secretary of Health for the Municipality of Betim; Undersecretary of Health for the State of Minas Gerais, 2014 - Government of the State of Minas Gerais; State Coordinator for Urgency and Emergency in Minas Gerais; Emergency Room Doctor at Hospital das Clinicas da UFMG, 2012 to 2014; Doctor at Unimed Aeromedica, 2012 to 2013 - Federacao das Unimeds do Brasil. As for the results of his work, the following stand out: Participation and leadership in the implementation of the Lean Emergency Care Project in more than 200 Brazilian hospitals; Conception of the Lean Transformation Project in Hospitals and implementation in 30 hospital units; National leadership in setting up Crisis Offices during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in all states and in more than 300 hospitals; Implementation of the Regional SAMU and Urgency and Emergency Networks in MG; Organization of the State Health Force of the State of Minas Gerais; Organization of the response to disasters and catastrophes during the 2014 World Cup; Creation of the Advanced Aeromedical Life Support (SAAV) of the State of Minas Gerais and acquisition of an H-145 twin turbine helicopter.

Mr. Adriano da Rocha Lima graduated in Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1997). He holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as a postgraduate degree in Strategic Network Planning and Executive Business Administration. He has academic experience as a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at PUC-RJ. He worked as a cellular communication engineer in the NEXTEL project, at Promon Eletrônica LTDA; Radio Frequency Manager, General Manager of the GSM Program and Executive Director of Engineering at Claro. He also held the position of Secretary of State for Development and Innovation of Goiás and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Celg GT. Currently he is Chief Secretary of State of the General Secretariat of Government of Goiás.

Mr. Daniel Elias Carvalho Vilela holds a degree in Law from Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (2009) and a postgraduate degree in Public Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2015). Throughout your career As a professional, Daniel Vilela served as councilor from 2008 to 2010, chairing the Education and Culture Commission in 2009. In 2010 he was elected State Deputy, serving until 2014. Elected Deputy Federal in 2014, he chaired important commissions in the Chamber of Deputies, such as the Joint Commission on Climate Change (2016), the Special Commission on Labor Reform (2017) and the Commission on Constitution and Justice (2018). In 2022, he was elected Deputy Governor of the State of Goiás.

*Other information on members of the Audit Board:
SEI Code: Saneago does not use the Electronic Information System - SEI.
Address: Avenida Fued José Sebba, nº 1.245, Setor Jardim Goiás, CEP 74805-100.

Name Position Contact Minute of Possession Beginning of Mandate End of Mandate Curriculum

Mr. Ricardo José Soavinski Graduated in Biological and Geological Oceanography from the Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul – RS, is an effective Federal Government employee with extensive experience in public and business planning and management in the areas of natural resources, water resources, tourism and sanitation. He is currently the CEO of the Companhia de Saneamento de Goiás – Saneago and the National Vice President of the Association of State Sanitation Companies of Brazil – AESBE. Throughout his 30-year career, he has held various management and advisory positions, including the National Secretary for Water Resources and Urban Environment of the Ministry of Environment, the Secretary of State for the Environment and Water Resources of Paraná state, President of Paraná Sanitation Company – SANEPAR, President of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation – ICMBio and Director of Ecosystems at the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA.

Mr. Hugo Cunha Goldfeld is a Civil Engineer and holds a master’s degree in Economic Engineering. Throughout his career, he was CEO of Codego – Development Company of the State of Goiás (June 2020 to March 2021); member of the Board of Directors (05/2019 to 09/2019) and Commercial Director (09/2019 to 06/2020) of Saneago; President of Eletromecânica de Veículos S/A; member of the Board of Directors of the Commercial and Industrial Association of the State of Goiás; Secretary of Industry and Commerce and Secretary of Administration of the Government of the State of Goiás; Chairman of the Boards of Directors of Goiás Industrial, GOIASTUR and CEASA; Chief Executive Officer of Goiás Industrial; Director of Cemina; President of the Govesa Group; President of SGPA; among other experiences. 

Mr. Leonel Alves Pereira has a degree in Computer Science and a post-graduate degree in Business Administration from FGV. He has been a career employee as a Systems Analyst since September 2006. During his career at Saneago, he served as Financing Control Coordinator from Jan/2010 to Dec/2014, Investor Relations Superintendent from Jan/2015 to April/2020 and from May/2020 to May/2024 he served as Finance Superintendent at the Company. Mr. Leonel Alves Pereira also served as a member of the Strategic Committee from November 2020 to March 2023 and is currently a member of the Standing Committee for Financial Risk Management and Application of Resources, on which he has served since May 2021.

Mr. Marco Túlio de Moura holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Higher Education Institute of Brasília (IESB) and a specialist in Water Supply Systems Engineering from the Graduate and Graduate Institute (IPOG). Effective employee of Companhia de Saneamento de Goiás (Saneago) since 2014, he served as Superintendent of Operations in the DF Surroundings (2015-2017) and as Director of Production (2017-2018). His career before joining the Company was marked by his role as Director of Management, Planning and Finance at Agência Goiana de Desenvolvimento Regional – AGDR (2012), as well as Banking at Banco Bradesco S.A. He has also served as a Member of the Board of Directors of Companhia de Urbanização de Goiânia (COMURG) since 2021.

Mr. Fernando Cozzetti Bertoldi de Souza has a degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidade Católica de Goiás, a postgraduate degree with a specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Goiás and an MBA in Business Management from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He has solid experience in directing and coordinating urban and road infrastructure works for private and government customers.

Mr. Diego Augusto Ribeiro Silva holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Goiás, and an MBA in Auditing and Financial Economic Expertise from the Graduate and Graduate Institute (IPOG). Permanent employee of Companhia de Saneamento de Goiás (Saneago) since July 2014, he acted as: Investor Relations Manager; Technical Advisor to the Financial and Investor Relations Board; and Superintendent of Integrated Planning. Until taking office in the new position, he was a member of Saneago’s Strategic Committee, holding the chair since November 2021. He was also a member of the Investment Committees of the Saneago Employee Pension Fund (Prevsan); the Information Security Management Committee; and the Financial Risk Management and Application of Resources Committee, which he chaired between March 2019 and November 2021. The employee was also a member of the Technical Chamber of Business Management of the Brazilian Association of Sanitation Companies (Aesb). His career before joining the Company was marked by his role as Economist at Caixa Econômica Federal, where he worked as a bank technician between November 2012 and June 2014.

Ms. Ariana Garcia do Nascimento is a lawyer, with a master’s degree in agrarian law from the Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG, graduated in law and post-graduated in contemporary administrative law and constitutional law. She is currently a Legal Attorney at Saneago, a company she joined as a career employee in 2010, serving as the Section Advisor of the OAB – Goiás Section since 2015, and is Chairman of the Comissão da Mulher Advogada. Throughout her career, she was also Manager and Superintendent of Saneago.

*Other information on members of the Audit Board:
SEI Code: Saneago does not use the Electronic Information System - SEI.
Address: Avenida Fued José Sebba, nº 1.245, Setor Jardim Goiás, CEP 74805-100.

Name Position Contact Minute of Possession Beginning of Mandate End of Mandate Curriculum

Mr. Paulo Ernani Miranda Ortegal has a degree in Law from Universidade Federal de Goiás and in Economic Sciences from Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas de Anápolis, as well as an associate degree in accounting from Escola Técnica D. Marcos de Noronha. Throughout his more than 50-year career, he has held several positions in the public sector, including: head of the Public Relations Office of the Government Office of the State of Goiás; member of the Fiscal Council of Companhia de Crédito e Investimento (Credit and Investment Company), Companhia Brasileira de Alimentos (Brazilian Food Company), and Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo S/A; Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform; President and Counselor of the Court of Auditors of the Municipalities of the State of Goiás. He also worked for the Company as an economist between 1977 and 1994. In the last five years, he has held the position of Chief of Staff and Municipal Secretary of Government at the Goiânia Local Government.

Mr. Alex Schweigert Pinheiro Cleto has a degree in Business Administration from Instituto Paulista de Ensino e Pesquisa — IPE/SP and Accounting Sciences from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas — FMU/SP. He has a specialist degree in Tax Management from Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz — FOC/SP. He has attended more than 20 courses given by the Regional Accounting Council of São Paulo (State of São Paulo), including Risk Management, Internal Controls, and Compliance Business Ethics, was a member of Saneago's Statutory Audit Committee from August 2019 to August 2021, and is currently a Technical Advisor to the President of the State Development Company ± CODEGO.

Mr. Neuber Teixeira de Souza has a degree in Accounting from Universidade Católica de Goiás, worked as an accounting assistant for five years and since 1995 has been a partner-owner of the accounting firm MP — Organização Contábil S/S Ltda, and since 2000 has been a partner-owner of the company CONAC — Consultoria, Assessoria Contábil e Treinamentos S/S Ltda. He worked in the 2009-2010 biennium as a member of the Fiscal Committee at the CREDCONTABIL Credit Cooperative, with extensive experience in the accounting area, and as a member of Saneago's Statutory Audit Committee from February 2020 to August 2021.

Mrs. Eliane Simonini Baltazar has a degree in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. She has a master's degree in economic and business law and specialist degree in teaching in higher education. Arbitrator in economic and business matters for Cames Brasil. Member of the Business Law Committee for the Brazilian Bar Association of the State of Goiás (OAB/GO). Lawyer, professor at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, working in undergraduate and graduate courses. She has extensive expertise and experience in teaching and practicing law in private law, especially business law and civil law, with an emphasis on corporate law, commercial agreements, and the protection and defense of competition, corporate reorganization, and bankruptcy, with training and experience in Corporate Governance of Public-Private Company. She has given several lectures on business law. Member of the Sectional Council for the Brazilian Bar Association of the State of Goiás.