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Corporate strategy

Strategy must be understood as what Saneago decides to do, considering its relationship with the environment in which it operates, with the following purpose: carry out its Mission and fulfill its Vision. It must be understood as the “Set of guidelines, objectives, purposes and plans to ensure the success of the Mission. In addition, the strategy should be seen as a uniform and integrated plan, which is established to ensure the achievement of the company’s basic objectives. Saneago’s Strategy is based on its Mission, Vision and Values and implemented through a set of objectives, goals and actions. This set is conceived by Senior Management and validated by its Workforce in an integrated and participatory manner, postulated in order to define the situation in which the Organization finds itself, what it wants and what it will be in the future.

Organizational mission

The Organizational Mission aims at translating Saneago’s value system and philosophy, base its purpose and declare to all Stakeholders our reason for being and our role in Society. The Mission was prepared by Integrated Planning Superintendence – SUPLA during the 2019 Strategic Planning process, taking into account two aspects:

a) Commitment to the sustainability of the Company and the development of the Company;
b) Declaration of services offered to the Society

The definition was made through an electronic selection process, based on five proposals sent to all employees of the Company, during the 2019 employee satisfaction survey, with the participation of 1583 employees from all of the company’s Organizations Units -OU’s. Afterwards, the Mission was approved by the Management Board and established and documented in the SGI Manual – MI00.0001. Saneago’s Mission is:

“Provide basic sanitation services promoting quality of life and generating sustainable results"

Organizational vision

The Organizational Vision aims at portraying Saneago’s desired future state, within a defined period of time, and demonstrate to all Stakeholders what it intends to achieve in terms of market ambition. The Vision was defined during the 2019 Strategic Planning process and was approved by the Board of Directors. It is established and documented in the SGI Manual – MI00.0001. Saneago’s Vision is:

"Until 2029, be a reference in the provision of environmental sanitation services in brazil"

Organizational values

Os Valores Organizacionais têm a finalidade de expressar a identidade da Saneago tanto para as pessoas (sua Força de Trabalho) quanto para todas as outras Partes Interessadas. Os Valores Organizacionais compreendem um conjunto de diretrizes que demonstram as atitudes, os resultados e os comportamentos esperados e definidos pela Organização. O conjunto dos Valores Organizacionais é uma importante ferramenta que busca assegurar um relacionamento duradouro e de confiança com suas Partes Interessadas. Eles foram elaborados pela SUPLA durante o processo do Planejamento Estratégico 2019 levando em consideração os seguintes aspectos:

  • a) Competence: ability arising from knowledge about a certain subject;
  • b) Governance: ability to govern (focused on ethics and compliance);
  • c) Performance and professional development;
  • d) Quality of products and services;
  • e) Quality of Life and Personal Development.

The definition was made through an electronic selection process, based on five proposals sent to all employees of the Company, during the 2019 employee satisfaction survey, with the participation of 1618 employees from all of the company’s Organizations Units – OU’s. Afterwards, the Mission was approved by the Management Board and established and documented in the SGI Manual – MI00.0001. The Organizational Values are as follows:


Commitment and engagement in the execution of our activities. Our actions must be based on the search for the defense of Saneago’s interests, always aiming to increase efficiency and achieve excellence in conducting our own business.


Always act in favor of the common interest in a sincere, adequate and integral manner, aiming at respect for people, cultural diversity, human diversity and variety of thoughts.


Seek to carry out our activities in the necessary time. Agility is the result of focus, efficiency and organization to achieve the expected objectives and results.


Act with skill and knowledge.


Meet current standards and regulations. In our actions, we must act in accordance with the law and the Company’s internal rules.


Acting in the common interest. For this, we must seek mutual collaboration and interaction in order to achieve unity and alignment through the exchange of experiences between organizational units, sharing knowledge, practices, structures and solutions.


Seek to minimize the impacts caused by our activities. All actions must take into account the commitment to social, environmental and economic-financial objectives.


Seek to be clear and agile in disclosing information. We must be clear and agile in disclosing information without prejudice to confidentiality and privacy.

Policy of Saneago’s integrated management system

Saneago’s Integrated Management System Policy was developed from Saneago’s Strategic Planning scenario analysis and ideology (Values and Principles). It is intended to guide the definition of strategic guidelines (basis for establishing strategic objectives). It was approved by the Management Board in 2019, being established and documented in the SGI Manual – MI00.0001. The SGI Policy is as follows:

  • GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF SERVICES provided through the continuous improvement of the management system in accordance with legal requirements.
  • PROMOTE A MODEL OF ORGANIZATION, operation and management, supported by efficiency, quality, transparency and ethics.
  • PROVIDE THE DEVELOPMENT AND WELL-BEING of the Workforce through organizational learning and innovation.

Saneago value chain

The Value Chain must be understood as the set of activities carried out by Saneago with the aim of creating value for its Stakeholders. Saneago’s Value Chain was defined during the Integrated Planning elaboration process and was expressed in the form of a figure based on Michael Porter’s model, organized into three macroprocesses that interact and relate to each other:

(Saneago’s core activity)

These are the processes that add value directly to Customers, representing the essential activities for Saneago to fulfill the mission set for its business. Here, those operations that establish the perception of value that Customers have in relation to Saneago’s brand, products and services are aggregated in such a way that they are entirely linked to the consumption experience that took place.

(Support Processes)

These are the processes that have the function of offering reinforcement to the business processes, collaborating with their good performance. They also support other support processes as well as management processes. Support processes add value to other processes and not directly to the Customer. In addition, these processes are characterized by their specialized and functional structure.

(Management Processes)

These are the processes that include measurements, monitoring, controls and business management, directly influencing the ability to carry out activities so that Saneago acts in accordance with its performance objectives and targets. Management processes also do not deliver value directly to the Customer, but seek to ensure that other processes are fulfilled and their objectives are achieved.