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Saneago is aware that the sanitation sector represents much more than providing services. It brings, above all, health, safety and quality of life for people, in addition to other intrinsic benefits, such as urban development and environmental protection. This activity is directly related to the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) guidelines, so that the Company is committed to making a positive impact within these pillars, seeking to constantly strengthen its foundations to expand and improve its operations, in a sustainable way.

This commitment is in line with its mission, the principles of the Global Compact – of which it is engaged as a Participant – and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 6, which has as its goal “to ensure the availability and sustainable management of of water and sanitation for all”.


Provide basic sanitation services, promoting quality of life and generating sustainable results.


By 2029, to be a reference in management and results in the provision of basic sanitation services in Brazil.


Commitment, Sustainability, Transparency, Conformity, Competence, Collectivit, Agility and Ethics.